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Essay writer services advise on writing an application essay for MBA

Following the topic about writing application essays discussed on, we thought about making a list of steps helping to write essays for business schools. There is no problem to write a bad essay – you just need to do the following:

  • Copy the essay from the book, download a ready-made sample from a site or take your friend’s essay.
  • Do not put yourself to some bother about expressing your own positioning, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Spend on writing no more than 1-2 days.
  • Just change the name of a business school and send one essay to all selected schools.
  • Do not give your essay to a native-speaker for checking.
  • Get plenty of lying in an essay.
  • Never ask essay writer services for assistance in writing.

But for writing a really good application essay you need to work hard, the more so that the essay is the only aspect of your package of documents over which you have complete control. You are able to create an image for an admission committee, and it should be an image of a real person, a leader with his own strengths and weaknesses as against to a fictional averaged image. And the essay should convince an admission committee that you are just cut out for this school. Here are some tips from essay writer services which will help you to write a brilliant application essay:

– Compliance with the topic

No matter what the topic is, you should always check yourself with the help of the following “control” questions: Did I answer the question? Did I clearly express my point of view? Was it written in plain language and without mistakes? When the essay is finished, check again whether you showed your motivation, the interest to a selected school, at least two or three qualities that distinguish you from other candidates and provided at least one compelling and clear reason for why the school should choose you.

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–  Ability to clearly express your thoughts

The essay should clearly demonstrate your ability to clearly express ideas in writing and by means of logical reasoning. Your essay shouldn’t look like a paper of a literary prize winner but like an essay written by a manager – clear, logical, yet interesting.

– Be yourself

Do not pretend to be a perfect applicant since it looks unnaturally. An admissions committee would like to see something interesting and vivid that can show your personality behind the figures in your essay.

– Personalize your essay

A good advice from an essay writer service – avoid generalities often found in application essays like leader, team spirit, etc. You can show these qualities through specific examples in the essay.